I forgot to take before pictures, but the only thing I have done in these next few is start to move the desk and filing cabinets out. I also took a few things off of the walls. See my helper's crown-he made it at home before we left.I know have two rooms joined with this big walk through.Lyndon loves to ride the bikes that are at the school-don't think that bike would fit in my current mess.Emptied the desk and filing cabinets.This is how Lyndon and I spent lunch and supper everyday last week.This is what it looks like when I quickly empty my old room for the new teacher, but haven't organized the new room & have no place for things.My 3 shelves-I love these shelves they are old and I have repainted the counter tops-they always travel with me.Thought I wanted my desk here, but already have moved it across the room...Thank goodness for LEGOS!!!!!Gosh there sure are a lot of them.This is kind of hard to see, but it is a picture of Lyndon's clubhouse-through those big books.I thought this one of Lyndon was really cute. He found these flowers in my 'FREE STUFF GIVE AWAY' pile and he is hooking the wagon to the bike to be a trailer.Momma came to help for a little bit and took these vacuuming pictures-wait until I get her back.Lyndon already sat out cups with water and snacks for all of my kiddos. :)This is an old drafting cabinet-it worked wonderful for movie storage.Lyndon organized all of this as a surprise for me-such a sweetie!
On Monday I cleaned out and organized my old room for the new 2nd grade teacher. I tried to make things as easy as possible by sorting things by subject before putting them in the lockers. Hopefully it will save her some time when she moves her things in.I left this boarder up because it was a chore to get it up around the SMART board. Once again I thought it might make her life easier.I am going to MISS my SMART board. I only had it for the last few weeks of school.