Yesterday, we had an assembly right after announcements. I didn't have a clue as to what it was about, but after seeing Dr. Baker in the gym and another gentleman I didn't recognize I assumed it was some type of school award such as being an exemplary school. After Mrs. Exum began to introduce the unknown gentleman she mentioned he represents 'Data Projections'-I recognized that name and even leaned over to Ms. Sherry and mumbled that was the company I submitted my entry to over a month ago. I still didn't think too much, but was beginning to become suspicious. It turns out that Mr. H was informing SES that my classroom had been chosen as The Classroom of the Future.
I spent the day at the high school being trained on the new equipment my classroom will be receiving in a few weeks. I was privileged to have received one of the 3 SMART boards at SES last year and LOVED it!!!!! The boards weren't installed until the last month or so of school so I didn't have a lot of time to play, but it was love-at-1st-sight!!! I have missed my SMART board tremendously this year.
Today Mr. H came over to take a look at our classroom to help map out the instillation process and to take a picture with my class. The kids loved visiting with Mr. H and began guessing his age which ranged from 5-98!
Congratulations! This is so exciting!!